Why I Prefer E-books, To Physical Books
Physical vs digital. Where do you stand on e-books vs traditional books? The digital vs physical? I'm now on my second e-reader. It's one of my favourite gadgets. I'm no stranger to nostalgia. I love vinyl, retro movies and gaming. Technology should be embraced, when it enhances or compliments the experience. E-readers improved my experience. I read more prolifically and take chances on books, like never before. I made the change in 2014, when I was studying. Business journals were heavy, and it was like carrying dumbbells to work. It became problematic. Business journals were heavy, and it was like carrying dumbbells to work. When the university trialled e-books, I jumped on board. It made studying convenient and enjoyable, and less of a workout! Over time, I have found e-books enormously convenient. All my books, on one device, instantly accessible, at any point. The Case For Physical Books People are tinged with book nostalgia. The smell of a new book or the sound of