Heading Out Of The Year, Feeling Burned-Out

New home office, same old sh*t!
My first blog post since October. Sorry about that. No excuses. Well, perhaps some.

We moved house a month ago, and life got crazy. Moving house, is a tiresome and stressful affair, especially with kids. 

Now we've settled in, its been endless direct debits and address changes.

And for the time-being, endless unpacking of boxes and lots of adhoc DIY. I'll get there.  

Moving house is stressful, but it was a move we needed to make. I'll probably write about this, in future posts. It isn't a decision you take lightly.

In late-November I also celebrated my 41st year (look young don't I?). Soon after that, the dreaded Omicron variant appeared. So it's more "working from home" for me and a temporary end to "office life". I'm really bummed about that.

Limping Over The Line

The closing part of 2021, has turned into a blur. When so much happens (personally and globally), you struggle to process. So right now, I'm limping over the line into Christmas and New Years.
The closing part of 2021, has turned into a blur. 
I feel next-level exhausted. The weather and dark evenings don't help. It's felt cold, wet and generally miserable. Like many, I feel burned-out as 2021 closes.

I had momentum throughout 2021 and consistency. But too much has happened in recent months, and I lost my blogging mojo.

But onwards and upwards. I aim to finish 2021 strong, blog again and start 2022 better. I enjoy writing, but I need to be in the right mindset.

Why Has The Year Been Tough?

In many ways, I've found 2021 tougher than 2020. I was offered hope in October, when I briefly returned to the office.

It gave me needed separation from home-life, for two days a week. Sadly the Covid situation got real (again), and the fun ended. Heading into 2022, the world has the feeling of "deja vu".

That was the cruelty of 2021. We were offered hope, but things have reset again.

I hoped that 2021 would be better, but it hasn't felt that way lately. However, I did make some positive life changes. We had some good experiences as a family, it wasn't all bad.

December looks like a tough month, as we head into Christmas. I see people desperately struggling with low motivation and poor mental health. Christmas is normally joyous, but I'm finding it hard to get excited. Stay strong people.

Final Thoughts

Try to remain positive, and look forward to better times in 2021. It's been a tough year (again), but things can only get better. Hang in there!

Bare with me, as I wrestle my own stresses. I plan to start writing consistently again! 😉👍


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